Wednesday, November 14, 2012


In the sport of curling stones are pushed across ice with the intention of hitting a circular target painted on the ice. There are two teams of four players each. Each team has eight stones made of polished granite. The point of the game is to score the highest amount of points by getting the stone closest to the middle of the taget. Two sweepers go along with brooms and sweep the path for the stone hoping it reduces friction. The team must work together and have a good strategy in order to get the rock where they want it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always wondered about the game of Curling. Is it hard to get the stone to go where you want it to go? Do you play curling? I find it to be a very fascinating sport. I read some of your other blog posts about curling, and I learned about the different equipment required for the game. Is curling popular where you live? Thanks so much for sharing!